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    Where to stay in Berlin?

    Berlin is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and a favorite tourist destination. Presented below is a list of the best places to stay in Berlin. Kreuzberg Also known as Xberg, the [...]
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    Los Angeles City Pass

    Although CityPASS doesn’t offer a pass exclusive to Los Angeles, it provides the Southern California CityPASS that visitors touring L.A. can utilize to visit attractions near the city at discounted prices.  Go Los Angeles Card [...]

Berlin Holocaust Memorial

Berlin’s Holocaust Memorial, situated in Mitte, is Berlin’s spectacular monument to the Holocaust, a tribute to the Jewish victims of the Nazi genocide of World War II.  It is located near the Brandenburg Gate in […]

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Budapest is the tenth largest city of European Union. It has been ranked among the top 5 beautiful cities in Europe. It attracts close to 4.5 million tourists every year and has become even popular […]

City Pass

Park City Epic Pass

For families and groups that look forward to have a great skiing experience, the Park City Epic Pass can be a great option to save you money.  Park City is considered the largest ski area […]

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Fly to Europe

London itinerary in 5 days

London itinerary in 5 days It is defintely possible to explore London, in five days.  One of the most loved cities in the world, it is known for numerous tourist attractions like fashionable neighborhoods, spectacular […]

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City Pass

Miami City Pass

Nick named the Little Cuba or the Magic City, Miami is well known for its nightlife, bars, and beaches.  A trip to this city can include plenty of these, but if you want to break […]

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